👋 Hey, Jon here! HVAC demand looked great in June both month-over-month and year-over-year, but now it’s time to dig into outbound / follow-up campaigns. With increased demand levels flowing in, sometimes outbound and follow-up are overlooked, so I wanted to see if and how revenue performance from these campaigns changed during peak summer season.
This article will follow the sample template as past issues covering Chiirp outbound campaign performance and features a sample of 4 locations in different parts of the US.
Let’s dive into it!
Chiirp Outbound Campaigns Had a 9.7% Response Rate in June
This is down from May response rates (15.8%), however, the number of customers who received an outbound communication increased by 54%.
Taking it a step further, the number of new booked jobs from these campaigns increased by 22% month-over-month.
Similar to the way I analyze PPC data, we want to understand each step of the funnel with outbound campaigns.
While increasing audience size can reduce the response rate, setting a broader scope ultimately brought in more net-new jobs.
Keep in mind - targeting and messaging still matter significantly. Simply increasing an audience size and sending a less relevant message to that audience isn’t likely to increase the revenue performance of those outbound campaigns.
Note: Open estimate campaign audiences grew by over 118% month-over-month! The audience size increases weren’t artificial (e.g. reducing your criteria to cast a wider net) but rather were a function of increased demand for the month. With higher demand, more estimates were given, and more of them were open. Naturally, this same audience was more than double the size of the previous month and these campaigns helped to capitalize on those additional opportunities.
Total Revenue Opportunity from Outbound Campaigns Increased By 37% to Nearly $4 million
Much like PPC and Organic analysis where I look not just at leads but matched customers, paying customers, average tickets, etc. to understand revenue performance, here we’re doing the same with outbound campaigns.
The audience size (similar to “leads”) increased by 54%.
The response rate (similar to match rate) from that audience decreased, by net-new booked jobs increased 22%.
Total revenue opportunity, which includes estimates (one per customer), sold jobs and closed jobs, increased a whopping 37% month-over-month.
The key takeaway for me here was that increased demand for the month overall didn’t hamper the performance of follow-up campaigns.
Average Tickets Increased 16% Month-Over-Month
An increase in average tickets help to explain why revenue opportunity increased by 37% despite an increase of 22% in net-new booked jobs.
These customers spent over $5,000 on average!
Again, it is peak season with a lot of installation demand, and the highest performing campaigns were estimate follow-ups, so it’s not surprising to see the average ticket of net-new jobs booked from outbound campaigns increase.
As a campaign strategy for peak season, these open estimate follow-ups were instrumental in bringing in significant increased opportunities.
Closed Revenue From Outbound Campaigns Increased 54% Month-Over-Month to $3.1 Million
Higher demand during peak season was only enhanced by outbound campaigns.
Across these four locations, $3.1 million of net-new revenue was driven by targeted follow-up.
Sales cycles tend to get longer in the summer, when you’re booking further out to do estimates and completed work.
In June, unsold estimate (PPC) revenue was up 15% year-over-year.
The backlog can be an opportunity . . . unless a customer goes with another business.
Outbound is a way to stay top of mind and connected to customers during an extended sales cycle and this businesses in this sample benefitted immensely from these campaigns.
From an industry perspective, June was a really strong month and as I’ve mentioned a few times, it was a pleasant surprise to see revenue surpass 2022 levels in our samples.
Chiirp outbound campaigns only added fuel to the demand fire and I cannot wait until next month to see where we finish, especially since July started with record high temps.
Until next time . . .
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